Don’t Be The Shoemaker Whose Children Are The Last To Wear Shoes!
No matter how great your professional success, you and your family are doomed to be the subject of an expensive and time-consuming guardianship proceeding in the future if you do not have a plan. So… How many of you have a legal plan to manage your financial and medical affairs in the event of incapacity or, disability?
Here are some smart steps for you to take to create a successful ‘living plan’:
1. Have a Durable Power of Attorney for financial decision-making that designates a primary as well as successor agents. This is crucial regardless of whether you are a sole practitioner, entrepreneur or working for a law firm, partnership or corporation. Tip: If you think you can wait because your spouse’s name is on your accounts think twice when it comes to retirement accounts, life insurance and annuities. By the way – the new DPOA law went into effect October 1, 2011.
2. Have a Designation of Health Care Surrogate for medical decision-making that designates a primary as well as successor agents. The medical privacy law called HIPAA will make it difficult for family members to obtain information or, make decisions about your condition.
3. Have a HIPAA Authorization that specifically authorizes health care professionals to release protected health information to your designated surrogate.
And remember: your “children” over the age of 18 are legal adults and need to plan so that you and your family may have peace of mind.
Call me today and allow me to use my expertise to tailor a plan to your unique needs and family dynamics that will create peace of mind.
“Proper Planning May Create Peace of Mind”
We are your and your clients’ partner in the aging process. Let us help you and your clients navigate the elder law maze!