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Notebook with 'Goals for 2025' sticky note, tabs, pen, and glasses on a desk.

Estate Planning Tips for 2025

Happy and Healthy New Year! Have you made your 2025 resolutions, or are you finding it challenging to become motivated? You are not alone. Here are some tips to motivate you to go from setting goals to implementing an action plan: Update Your Will: If you haven’t reviewed your Will in a few years, take…

A caregiver assisting an elderly man using a walker in a well-lit home hallway.

Do You Really Need an Elder Law Attorney To File A Medicaid Application?

There is a lot of misinformation available both on the internet and given by non-elder law attorneys to consumers about applying for Medicaid and Veteran Aid & Attendance benefits. This misinformation is costing consumers delays in qualifying for the Medicaid benefits they so desperately need. Here are just a few of the benefits that an…

Protect Your Vulnerable Parents & Their Home

Protect Your Vulnerable Parents & Their Home

Scams and fraud have been on the rise since COVID began in March 2020.  Homes have been one of the biggest targets of scams.  Victims include older adults, young adults with disabilities, and people of any age with compromised cognitive state.  Thankfully, the Broward County Property Appraiser has a program called ‘Owner Alert’ to help…

Plan for loved ones with special needs

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late – Plan Now For The Future of Your Special Needs Loved One

If you have a beneficiary who has a disability (i.e. Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis) or special needs (i.e. Down’s Syndrome, Autism, Intellectual Disability), you do not need to disinherit that person.  After all, you want to improve the quality of that person’s life and care by leaving them an inheritance.  There is a safe way to…

How To Maximize Medicare Coverage in Rehab

How To Maximize Medicare Coverage in Rehab

Do you have a friend, family member, or loved one who was hospitalized for three days and then went directly to a rehabilitative facility? Would you like to know how to advocate for your friend or loved one? If the answer is ‘yes,’ read on. It is important to know what primary health insurance coverage…

Beware Medicaid Scammers

Buyer Beware: An Experienced Elder Law Attorney Is The Best Investment In Your Future!

Are you or a loved one in need of long-term care but unsure whether you qualify for Medicaid? The first thing you need to know is the importance of hiring an experienced attorney. Medicaid is a government program offering individuals health insurance and long-term care support. However, being cautious of non-attorneys claiming they can provide…