Blog: Veteran Benefits
Do You Really Need an Elder Law Attorney To File A Medicaid Application?
There is a lot of misinformation available both on the internet and given by non-elder law attorneys to consumers about applying for Medicaid and Veteran Aid & Attendance benefits. This misinformation is costing consumers delays in qualifying for the Medicaid benefits they so desperately need. Here are just a few of the benefits that an…
Welcome to May 2019 National Elder Law Month-Florida Medicaid Changes
Do you have an aging relative who needs long-term medical care for a chronic illness? Is your loved one living at home, in an assisted living facility or a skilled nursing home? Are you concerned about how to pay for their medical expenses? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions you need to…
New VA Rules for Pension and Aid & Attendance Can Affect You
If you have met with me for a consultation to discuss long term care planning during the last three years, you have heard me mention that the VA was proposing changes to its eligibility rules for need-based programs such as pension and Aid & Attendance. These VA monetary benefits are paid to veterans and/or their surviving spouses to supplement…
Tips for Qualifying for Veteran Pension (Aid & Attendance)
In the past I have written about the eligibility rules for Veteran Aid & Attendance benefits (also known as pension). Aid & Attendance is a monthly cash benefit intended to be used to pay for medical related expenses not covered by Medicare or private insurance (i.e. home health services). The VA provides the benefit for…
Elder Law Attorneys Oppose Rules Change to VA Pension Program
On March 25, 2015 Bryant Jordan of reported: A national organization of elder law attorneys on March 17 filed a 27-page letter with the VA arguing why the department should not make proposed changes to rules for a pension program for low-income veterans aged 65 and older. The VA wants the rules tightened up to ensure that the…
Congress May Change The Financial Rules for Veterans Benefits
It’s Back: The Veteran’s Administration Proposes New Rules for Aid & Attendance Aid & Attendance benefits is a monthly financial benefit provided to service men and women (and their spouses) to help pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses that are not reimbursed by insurance. The goal of this program is to help the veteran be able…
Non-Lawyers’ Advice is Unauthorized Practice of Law Says Florida Supreme Court
Beware Non-Lawyers’ Advice to Obtain Medicaid and Veteran Benefits: The Unauthorized Practice of Law Recently, the Florida Supreme Court issued an opinion that identifies what actions taken by non-lawyers constitute the unauthorized practice of law (UPL). This opinion, and reporting individuals who commit UPL to The Florida Bar (TFB), will help protect the public. Be careful: there are…
VA Pension Should Not Impede Medicaid Eligibility
Veteran’s Aid & Attendance Income Should Not Impede Medicaid Eligibility If you, your spouse or your parent have recently qualified for a VA Improved Pension (VAIP) read about pension benefits and are also applying for or receiving Medicaid assistance you need to know your rights. A portion of the benefit may represent Aid & Attendance (A&A)…
Don’t Let Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefits be a Well Kept Secret! Learn if Your Clients Qualify for this Government Benefit
Stephanie L. Schneider has been a Board Certified Elder Law Attorney since 1997. Stephanie is accredited by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide clients with guidance and assistance about qualifying for veteran benefits. Stephanie and her team will primarily focus on assisting veterans and their spouses with becoming eligible to obtain benefits under…