Blog: News Clients Could Use
You Are Living and Dying by Melissa Williams, PhD
The diagnosis of a terminal illness changes everything, absolutely everything. A life event such as a terminal illness can affect you in ways that you never expected. Coping with the demands and decision making of this process can be exhausting. Normal everyday tasks seem too hard and sometimes you don’t know how you will get…
9 Insider Tips for Filing an Insurance Claim After a Disaster
9 Insider Tips for Filing An Insurance Claim After A Disaster When it comes to filing a homeowners or business insurance claim after a hurricane, fire or other disaster, rarely is it simple. Insurance and the laws that govern it, are by nature, complex. Add to that, the uniqueness of your situation, and an insurance…
Climate Change may Cause us to Rethink Prepping for Hurricanes and Consider Working with a Public Adjuster
Public Adjusters are licensed and insured professionals who assist policyholders with their insurance claims.”Public Adjusters stand up for policyholders.” They know and understand how to evaluate the damages, caused by many different forms of losses that can occur to a person’s home or property; they understand how insurance policies work. From pipe-breaks to hurricanes, sink…
Your Misconception About the ‘Medicaid will take the house’ idea could land you in prison.
It is not unheard of for children or grandchildren to move into an elder’s home because they are not financially stable or they are going through a divorce. However, if those relatives become a caregiver to the elder that owns the home they must put the elder’s needs above their own personal interests (i.e. fear of losing…
Should You Pay A Caregiver Under the Table or Use a Registry?
At some time you or your parents may need home health services due to an illness, accident or disease so that you can heal in your own home. The first question you will probably ask (if you don’t have a long term care insurance policy) is ‘how much will it cost me?’ While price is…
AHCA’S Attempt to Reach a Medicaid Recipient’s Tort Recovery is Thwarted.
On July 5, 2018 (how appropo one day after Independence Day) the Florida Supreme Court ruled that under federal law AHCA may only reach the past medical expenses portion of a Medicaid recipient’s tort recovery to satisfy its Medicaid third party liability lien. See Giraldo v. ACHA (No. SC17-297). This ruling now resolves the conflict between the Second…
It is important to have legal documents in place that create a management system in the event of incapacity.
Our clients know how important it is to have legal documents in place that create a management system in the event of incapacity. That is the first of several very important planning steps. Equally important is to learn to be a strong and zealous advocate. The word „advocate‟ means a person who pleads a case…
Tips To Organize Your Affairs For 2018
As we welcome this new year and new opportunities why not organize your legal and financial affairs? It benefits you, your family as well as your advisors who guide you through legal, tax and investment issues. Here are some tips: Contact your banks and have them confirm whether you have designated beneficiaries and who they are Contact your retirement…
Why Estate Planning and Medicaid Planning Take Different Paths
Clients frequently ask “Doesn’t my revocable trust protect my assets if I get sick and require long term care services?” Clients are surprised when the answer is that their revocable trust assets, which they control, are countable if the client has a chronic illness and wants to apply for Medicaid. Clients want to stay in control of their…
Tips For You To Know About Social Security Benefits
How well do you think you know your entitlement to social security benefits? Entitlement to benefits is based on a variety of factors such as marital status (including remarriage). How a change in marital status impacts your benefits: SSI Benefits: If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which limits you to owning no more than $2,000.00 in countable…