Blog: Guardianship
Five Things You Need To Know About Emergency Temporary Guardianship In Florida
Florida Guardianship Law has a procedure to protect adults who are in imminent danger that their physical or mental health and safety will be impaired or, that their assets are in danger of being wasted, misappropriated by another person or, lost if immediate Court action is not taken. The process is called an emergency temporary…
Tips for Becoming a Successful Family Member Guardian in Florida
If you have begun to notice warning signs that your loved one is being self-neglectful, forgetful or, exercising poor judgment don’t ignore them! Look at it as an opportunity to safeguard your loved one by becoming their legal family member guardian through a guardianship. Guardianship is a court supervised process where a person is determined…
Don’t Leave for Summer Vacation Without Your Estate Plan!
There’s no better time than summertime – rest, relaxation and seeing the world. You’ve waited all year for your vacation. You’ve got your passport, the pet sitter is confirmed but wait- do you have your estate & incapacity plan in place? If you do is it so old it needs to be updated to meet…
When You Have that Uh-oh Moment
There is nothing worse than obtaining a great settlement for your client at mediation and then realizing that your client is not competent to accept the settlement and sign the necessary release and other documents. It can take 4-6 weeks to complete the incapacity phase of a mental health proceeding and have the Court appoint a…
Ignoring the Warning Signs May Put You in Danger
By Hillary S. Josephs No, this is not the premise of a movie or novel. It is the true story of a family that could have avoided much of the emotional turmoil, possible physical harm, and the expense and loss of privacy they now have to come to terms with as they face a guardianship…
Ignoring the Warning Signs May Put You in Danger
By Hillary S. Josephs, Business Development Coordinator, Stephanie L. Schneider P.A. No, this is not the premise of a movie or novel. It is the true story of a family that could have avoided much of the emotional turmoil, possible physical harm, and the expense and loss of privacy they now have to come to…
How To Identify Clients And Personal Injury Cases That Require A Guardianship In Order To Bring The Claim, Continue The Claim Or Settle The Claim
If the settlement recipient is a minor ask yourself: Do the settlement net proceeds exceed $15,000.00? Are the minor’s parents deceased or incapacitated? If the answer is ‘yes’ your client needs a guardianship then call Stephanie L. Schneider an experience guardianship lawyer A ‘minor’ in Florida is a child under 18 years of age. A…
2015 Florida Legislative Update
Florida Statutes Chapter 744 which governs guardianship proceedings was amended relating to the settlement of claims for incapacitated adults and minors effective July 1, 2015. Here are the highlights: Confidentiality: The portion of the court file relating to the settlement of a claim is confidential. A party must establish good cause and only then is the…
Planning For After Divorce
Divorce can take its toll on a person’s physical, emotional, mental and financial well-being. Even after the divorce is final, moving forward and starting anew can seem daunting especially when there are minor children of the marriage. While keeping up the daily routines of preparing the family for school, going to work, team sports and household chores, it is easy…
Is Your Child Graduating High School? Read this!
Are you planning your child’s graduation celebration? Thinking about what present to give your child for graduating with good grades? Look no further – give the gift that is priceless (as the MasterCard commercial says). Give your child, and you, the peace of mind of creating a legal plan now that they are adults. Yes, even…