Blog: LGBT
How to Support the Transgender Kid in Your Life
If you are being supportive of a friend or, family member who is exploring their gender identity or, sexual orientation it might be helpful to read about Amy Ellowitz’ experience as a parent with her child. “How to support the Transgender Kid in Your Life” by Amy Ellowitz offers tips and resources to help guide…
“I Do”: Now All Marriages Are Created Equally
On June 25, 2015 (exactly two years after the U.S. Supreme Court decided Windsor and held that part of the Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional) the Supreme Court of the United States issued its opinion in Obergefell and ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in all states. Now, same-sex married couples are entitled to…
The LGBTQ Healthcare Bill Of Rights – Be An Informed Consumer
Several LGBTQ advocacy groups have partnered with Center Link the Community of LGBT Centers to promote equal healthcare treatment for the LGBTQ community and prevent discrimination by healthcare providers based on gender identity and sexual orientation. The LGBTQ Bill of Rights was released in November 2014, when open enrollment for obtaining health insurance through the…
Florida Homestead Rights for Same Sex Married Couples After January 5, 2015
Are you a Same Sex Married Couple in Florida? Know Your Homestead Rights As the celebrations continue since January 5, 2015, have you begun to get your affairs in order to take advantage of your marriage now being recognized in Florida? If you and/or your spouse own a Florida home as your primary residence NOW…
Kudos to Publix On Offering Legally Married Same Sex Couples Insurance
Publix Is Helping Businesses Pave The Way for Equality in Florida Kudos to Publix Supermarket for offering legally married same sex couples health insurance benefits effective January 1, 2015! By recognizing same-sex marriages performed in a state where it is legal, regardless of the current state of residence of the employee, Publix is demonstrating it is instituting equality…
Social Security and Marriage Equality Act of 2014
On May 8, 2014, Senator Patty Murray from Washington sponsored the Social Security and Marriage Equality Act of 2014 (SAME). The objective of the bill (s. 2305) is to amend the Social Security Act so that same-sex married couples will be entitled to social security benefits based on place of celebration and not place of residence…
Florida: The Perfect Home with the Perfect Partner
Many people are drawn to live and work in Florida because of its beautiful weather. Other people are drawn to Florida because it has no state income tax. If you are a married same-sex couple (SSC) or, have a domestic partnership or civil union there are several important real estate ownership issues you should consider…
National Healthcare Decisions Day with Thoughts from Nadine Smith, Executive Director, Equality Florida
National Healthcare Decisions Day Affects Everyone Including the LGBT Community Last night I had the pleasure of listening to and speaking with Nadine Smith the CEO of Equality Florida at the Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale in observance of National Healthcare Decisions Day. Nadine is an inspiring and motivating advocate for all people. She helped…
Federal Rights for LGBTQ Are Advancing
Attorney General Holder announced this week that more federal rights will be available to married same-sex couples (SSC) as a result of the Windsor decision. Watch Attorney General Holder’s inspiring speech. These new rights will include: Services for LGBT survivors of abuse by their partner under the Violence Against Women Act Stronger civil rights protections…
Deadline Approaching for Gay Married Retired Military to Enroll In Survivor Benefit Plan
Retired and active military are entitled to designate their surviving spouse to receive the pension upon the veteran’s death. This is called the ‘survivor benefit plan.’ This benefit plan provides up to 55% of the veteran’s pension and helps many widows and widowers avoid financial hardship. As a result of the United States Supreme Court’s…