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Tips For You To Know About Social Security Benefits

How well do you think you know your entitlement to social security benefits? Entitlement to benefits is based on a variety of factors such as marital status (including remarriage).

How a change in marital status impacts your benefits:

  1. SSI Benefits: If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which limits you to owning no more than $2,000.00 in countable resources, getting married will affect your entitlement. Your spouse’s income and assets will now count.  If your new spouse also receives SSI you will receive a couple rate.
  2. Widows/Widowers: If you remarry prior to age 60 you are not entitled to widow/widower benefits.  If you are disabled and remarry prior to age 50 you are not entitled to widow/widower benefits. If you remarry before age 50 you will not receive benefits unless the marriage ends. If you remarry before age 60 and that marriage ends you may be entitled or re-entitled to survivor benefits on your deceased spouse’s record.
  3. Divorced Spouse’s Benefits: If you remarry these benefits will end.

You can use the Social Security Administration’s benefit tool at www.ssa.gov/planners/index.html.

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