Don’t Let Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefits be a Well Kept Secret! Learn if Your Clients Qualify for this Government Benefit
Stephanie L. Schneider has been a Board Certified Elder Law Attorney since 1997. Stephanie is accredited by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide clients with guidance and assistance about qualifying for veteran benefits. Stephanie and her team will primarily focus on assisting veterans and their spouses with becoming eligible to obtain benefits under the Aid & Attendance program, as well as death benefits.
Veteran Aid & Attendance benefits enable qualified veterans or their spouses to receive a monthly check that supplements their monthly income enabling them to purchase services and products to stay at home.
This benefit is non-service connected meaning that the veteran did not have to be injured during service in order to receive benefits under this program. Many people find Aid & Attendances benefits greatly improve their lives by providing a resource from which to pay for unreimbursed medical expenses such as a home health aide, medical supplies, or the monthly cost of residing in an assisted living facility.
An additional incentive to qualify is that the veteran will receive full VA health care and prescription benefits!
Veteran Aid & Attendance benefits eligibility are based on numerous criteria which include: service; disability; income and net worth; and medical expenses not reimbursed by other programs or insurance. A veteran’s widow or widower may also be eligible for benefits to cover unreimbursed medical expenses up to the limits set by the Veteran’s Administration.
Call our office at 954-382-1997 to guide you and your clients through the process and qualify for VA Benefits at the earliest possible time.