Blog: Aid & Attendance
New VA Rules for Pension and Aid & Attendance Can Affect You
If you have met with me for a consultation to discuss long term care planning during the last three years, you have heard me mention that the VA was proposing changes to its eligibility rules for need-based programs such as pension and Aid & Attendance. These VA monetary benefits are paid to veterans and/or their surviving spouses to supplement…
Tips for Qualifying for Veteran Pension (Aid & Attendance)
In the past I have written about the eligibility rules for Veteran Aid & Attendance benefits (also known as pension). Aid & Attendance is a monthly cash benefit intended to be used to pay for medical related expenses not covered by Medicare or private insurance (i.e. home health services). The VA provides the benefit for…
Congress May Change The Financial Rules for Veterans Benefits
It’s Back: The Veteran’s Administration Proposes New Rules for Aid & Attendance Aid & Attendance benefits is a monthly financial benefit provided to service men and women (and their spouses) to help pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses that are not reimbursed by insurance. The goal of this program is to help the veteran be able…
VA Pension Should Not Impede Medicaid Eligibility
Veteran’s Aid & Attendance Income Should Not Impede Medicaid Eligibility If you, your spouse or your parent have recently qualified for a VA Improved Pension (VAIP) read about pension benefits and are also applying for or receiving Medicaid assistance you need to know your rights. A portion of the benefit may represent Aid & Attendance (A&A)…