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Blog: Durable Power of Attorney

Why Estate Planning and Medicaid Planning Take Different Paths

Clients frequently ask “Doesn’t my revocable trust protect my assets if I get sick and require long term care services?”  Clients are surprised when the answer is that their revocable trust assets, which they control, are countable if the client has a chronic illness and wants to apply for Medicaid. Clients want to stay in control of their…

Elder Law Issues Affecting People Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

People diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, at any age, are affected by the disease on many different levels: physically, possibly cognitively in the later stage of the disease, in their close relationships and potentially their employment ability. The earlier that people create a legal plan the greater likelihood they can remain independent and autonomous in their decision-making. Individuals…

How To Identify Clients And Personal Injury Cases That Require A Guardianship In Order To Bring The Claim, Continue The Claim Or Settle The Claim

If the settlement recipient is a minor ask yourself: Do the settlement net proceeds exceed $15,000.00? Are the minor’s parents deceased or incapacitated? If the answer is ‘yes’ your client needs a guardianship then call Stephanie L. Schneider an experience guardianship lawyer A ‘minor’ in Florida is a child under 18 years of age. A…

Stop! Don’t Disinherit Your Spouse Who Needs Long Term Care

STOP! DON’T DISINHERIT YOUR SPOUSE JUST BECAUSE THEY REQUIRE LONG-TERM CARE Today we see more chronic illnesses (i.e. Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; dementia) that are causing people to provide care or seek long-term care services for an incapacitated spouse.  Chronic illness can trigger the fear of impoverishment or the fear of outliving one’s money.  When…

2014: New Rules; New New Year’s Resolutions!

NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS FOR 2014 2013 introduced significant legal and social developments in our country such as: the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Windsor resulting in federal rights being available to married same sex couples individuals delaying their retirement age due to increased life expectancies, weakened retirement systems and poor financial planning and states like…

Lessons I Learned from my Father

My father, Howard Schneider, died on November 16, 2013.  When I graduated law school my father told me that the experience would serve me well and he was right. My father’s legacy is his work ethic, the importance of one’s character and credibility, and the bravery he exhibited living with Parkinson’s. I am grateful for his legacy as it…